Giant Danio Fish

Effects of cooking

Fish can be cooked by both methods, dry-heat and moist-heat. As the flesh of fishes has very little connective tissue, thus it has no need to be tenderized before cooking it.

It is suitable for 

Oily fish to be:

  • Grilled
  • Baked
  • Fried
While, White fish to use:
  • Deep-fryiing
  • Shallow-frying
 Both fish can too be :

  • Boiled
  • Steamed

What happens in fish during dry-heat cooking e.g grilling?

When heat is applied-->Proteins in fish-->coagulate-->causes fish to shrink--->causes--->extractives to deposit on surface of fish--->Adding more flavor--->DELICIOUS :)YUM YUM!

                                  (baked fish)
What occurs in fish when moist-heat cooking e.g boiling?

When heat is applied--->Extractives&Water-soluble nutrients---->dissolves into cooking liquid---->fish itself less tasty---->should be served with cooking liquid---->has the nutrients and flavors of fish---->DRINK UP! X3 

                        (seafood steamboat)

*Fish and shellfish usually gets cooked very quickly*

Overcooked seafood---->tough & chewy

**coagulation is reaction which proteins change firm liquid to semi-solid or solid state in presence of heat, pressure or acids.

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